Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I am loving that fall has arrived here in Germany! It's great to go to the park and not be hot and worry about bees. 

We have spent the last month getting ready for Maddox. Only a month left til the big due date! We are hoping he is more cooperative than two week late Mackenzie was. I can't imagine having to be this pregnant for six more weeks. My obgyn said he would be surprised it I made it to my due date and shocked if I went past so hoping I won't have to surprise or shock him :). If he stays in til he is due he will be over 8 lbs of cute baby. He's a healthy little guy. 

What I am loving about my German obgyn is that you get an ultrasound and measurements every visit and it's kind of crazy to see how quickly he grows week to week. I went yesterday and he's measuring about 6 lbs 4 oz. His head is a little on the large side so there could be some concern if he does last to the due date (oww!) but the doctor is hopeful I'll deliver early enough to where it won't be a problem. We will see, I don't want to get my hopes up. I know he'll come when he's ready. My uterus is all about evicting it's little tenant so I have to take it easy until I'm full term on October 18th. I've been lucky enough to be able to practice having contractions on a daily basis just about (hah!) so I feel like I should be good and ready for labor and the chance I don't get the choice of an epidural. They aren't too fond of the use of them here unless medically necessary. Nathaniel got to see Maddox for the first time on the ultrasound machine yesterday, I was so happy for him and it made me happy that something like that could put such a cute, goofy grin on his face. 

Mackenzie has been doing great. She is one happy girl and excited about being a big sister. We've been having lessons just about every other weekday using different activity books and she's really enjoyed learning about her shapes, letters and colors. She's surprised me with her tracing abilities and how patient she can be. We do have days where I know from the start that it just isn't going to work though, haha. She has been making us laugh with some things she's been saying. I'll share one! The night before last she kept getting up and running to our room to peek in and see if we were sleeping yet so she could sneak into bed with us so Nathaniel and I were both sitting up looking down the hall waiting for her and I jokingly said "What you doing, get to bed" in a deep voice and she didn't find it funny and ran to her room. She went to sleep though! Anyways- the next morning she woke up telling this story over and over. She said she was crying last night and I asked her why and she said because Daddy said, "What you doing, get to bed.". Uh oh! Lol, Daddy told her who really said it this morning though. 

I finally have a working camera, hooray! I've probably taken over 200 pictures this week to make up for the lack of pictures the last couple of months. Nathaniel started taking Mackenzie to play soccer and she's really enjoying it. He's trying to get her ready for soccer season next year. 

Nathaniel and I are getting homesick and have started looking into a trip in the spring, basically before Maddox starts crawling. We will see if we are able to make it happen though. We are looking forward to the Fall Bazaar this weekend. It is an event they hold on post with a bunch of vendors from the surrounding countries. I'm hoping I am feeling up to going because it sounds like it is going to be really awesome. The Christmas markets will start soon here as well and I have heard they are one of the #1 attractions in Germany. We are excited to have so much to explore and look forward to! 

1 comment:

  1. Awww Christmas in Germany should be fun! Too bad I'll never be able to see them I don't think =[. Of course Cox is happy, he wants his boy! And you'd better get on that German Rosetta Stone =] About time you started posting again too haha. You should post about when the "kitchen was closed"...HAHAHA!!!! That story will forever make us laugh =]
